How to manage dizziness after surgery

Aug, 1 2023

Understanding Post-Surgery Dizziness

Let's dive straight into it! Dizziness after surgery is as common as me chasing my beagle Max around the house trying to retrieve my stolen socks. And trust me, friends, as a Sydney resident with an untaminably mischievous Beagle and a sassy Maine Coon Cat named Tabby, I get plenty of exercise. So, it's safe to say, it's a regular part of everyday life. But, just like Max's sock-stealing antics, we need not fret. Dizziness, though frequently experienced, is manageable.

Stumbling around your house like a drunk pirate may sound amusing and might even be a great party trick, be aware that it can lead to more severe situations. It's as unpredictable as Tabby when she decides to use my laptop keyboard as her personal music instrument, typing gibberish or sending out 'help' emails to my boss. All fun and games until someone gets hurt!

Identifying Causes of Dizziness After Surgery

Have you ever tried playing detective with your pets, nailing down the elusive culprit in the mysterious case of "Who Knocked Over the Vase?" That's a bit like trying to pinpoint the root cause of your post-surgery giddiness. There are so many potential factors at play—from anesthesia and medications to dehydration and bed rest—that it's tricky to identify the exact culprit. The key, as the most successful denouement of my pet-detective tales has taught me, is process of elimination and understanding each player's role.

An effect of anesthesia, particularly general anesthesia, is dizziness. It's like waking up confused and disoriented from a deep slumber after Max's sudden 2 am barking concert at a random leaf. Alas, the royal court of medical science yet hasn't developed the perfect "anesthesia hangover" cure just yet!

The Role of Medications

Medications can be a game of balancing effects, not unlike trying to balance my attention between Tabby's plot for world domination and Max's attempts to eat things he should definitely not be eating. Prescription drugs given during your recovery period can have side effects, one of which can be dizziness. The situation's a tad bit like serving Tabby her most loathed food—she'd glare, twitch her tail, and then sit quietly, plotting her revenge. Similarly, your body might object to medication in ways beyond your control, causing post-surgery dizziness.

Preventing and Managing Dizziness After Surgery

Ah Friends, if only the solution to dizziness was as simple as getting Max to stop stealing socks. But here's the thing, complicated as it might be, it's not impossible. Just like training your dog (or cat if you're brave enough to attempt that), there are methods—some fun, some not so—to manage, and even prevent post-surgery dizziness.

Dehydration is your body's grumpy response to not getting enough fluids. Sort of like Tabby's somewhat overdramatic meltdown when she spots an empty water bowl. Rehydrating is crucial after surgery, and it can ward off dizziness. Remind yourself to drink up. If you need a mental nudge, picture me desperately trying to convince Miss Queen Tabby that no, she isn't suffering a desert-like drought in her bowl, and yes, there is indeed fresh water on the way!

Light Exercise and Movement

First, allow me to clarify the term "light exercise." I'm not suggesting you start chasing your own Max or engage in a non-consensual tug-of-war with a stubborn Beagle (who, incidentally, somehow manages to steal your favorite footwear every time). Rather, I'm advising you to gradually reintroduce activity post-surgery. An initial balance challenge is a common experience after a surgery. However, engaging in calculated movement helps to get the body back to its usual rhythm.

Reading the Signals: Dizziness As A Gauge of Recovery

When you've had a history of running after pets engaging in sock-fueled escapades or a cat masquerading as a keyboard artist, you become adept at sensing when something's about to go down. Similarly, your dizziness can be an alert—your body's very own early warning system—signalling that something needs your attention.

If your dizziness lasts longer than expected (and by expected, I mean as advised by your doctor, not your neighbour who doubles as an unlicensed Google Doctor), check in with your actual, licensed surgeon. Just as I have finally deciphered that Tabby's annoyed twitch means impending doom (otherwise disguised as claw marks on my favorite sofa), you need to read your body's signals and respond accordingly.

No one adores feeling dizzy, nor does anyone enjoy mopping up the aftermath of a Beagle-versus-Cat wrestling match. But with proper understanding, a dash of preventive action, and listening to our bodies—we can deal with either situations efficiently. And of course, adapting a sense of humor along the way never hurts. After all, we're all living in a version of our own pet-filled, dizzying adventure saga, aren't we?